$17.63 (-2.18%)
Price (USD)
Market Cap (USD)
1h change
24h change
7d change
1y change
Price in Bitcoin: 0.00085362 BTC
All-time high change: -98.51%
Data updated: {{ dayjs('2022-11-07T08:50:14Z').format('LLL') }}
Key Values of Obyte
Low 24h High 24h All-Time High (Date) Market Cap Volume (24h) Circulating Supply Total Supply
$17.63 $18.21 $1,185.39 ({{ dayjs('2018-01-13').format('LL') }}) $14,572,606 $3,811 826,392 GBYTE 1,000,000 GBYTE
Obyte Chart
Launched on Dec 25, 2016, Obyte is a distributed ledger based on directed acyclic graph (DAG). Thanks to absence of blocks and miners, access to Obyte ledger is decentralized, disintermediated, free (as in freedom), equal, and open. Obyte is the first DAG based cryptocurrency platform to support dApps. Due to absence of miners and blocks, there is no risk of front-running and other miner manipulation, and dApps are safer and easier to develop than blockchain based dApps. DApps are developed in Oscript - a new language that avoids many unsafe programming patterns common in earlier dApp platforms. Thanks to its safety, Obyte is especially well suited for DeFi apps, some are already available on the platform, such as Discount Stablecoins (https://ostable.org), some are being developed. Other features include: self-sovereign identity, private untraceable currencies, sending crypto to email using textcoins, and extremely small-footprint libraries suitable for small IoT devices.

Data provided by CoinGecko API.

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