$0.00033529 (-1.67%)
Price (USD)
Market Cap (USD)
1h change
24h change
7d change
1y change
Price in Bitcoin: 2e-08 BTC
Established since: {{ dayjs('2014-01-26').format('LL') }}
All-time high change: -98.90%
Data updated: {{ dayjs('2022-11-07T08:50:14Z').format('LLL') }}
Key Values of Reddcoin
Low 24h High 24h All-Time High (Date) Market Cap Volume (24h) Circulating Supply Total Supply
$0.00033375 $0.00035595 $0.0305647 ({{ dayjs('2018-01-06').format('LL') }}) $10,466,279 $8,217 31,090,915,762 RDD -
Reddcoin Chart
Launched in 2014 as a fork of Litecoin, Reddcoin (RDD) is a decentralized cryptocurrency used to tip or send payments for social content. The Reddcoin API supports social platforms such as Reddit, Twitter, and Twitch. Accounts created on the Reddcoin wallet can be linked to Twitter, Twitch, and Reddit accounts. Upon downloading the ReddID browser extension, users can “like” content by entering the username and sending a micropayment. RDD is mined by the ReddID wallet through Proof-of-Stake-Velocity (PoSV), which incentivizes both ownership (stake) and activity (velocity).

Data provided by CoinGecko API.

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