$0.779093 (6.19%)
Price (USD)
Market Cap (USD)
1h change
24h change
7d change
1y change
Price in Bitcoin: 1.168e-05 BTC
Established since: {{ dayjs('2018-02-28').format('LL') }}
All-time high change: -80.06%
Data updated: {{ dayjs('2024-04-19T14:05:11Z').format('LLL') }}
Key Values of TomoChain
Low 24h High 24h All-Time High (Date) Market Cap Volume (24h) Circulating Supply Total Supply
$0.705245 $0.787187 $3.88 ({{ dayjs('2021-09-06').format('LL') }}) $76,261,652 $5,544,274 98,089,319 TOMO 100,000,000 TOMO
TomoChain Chart
Tomochain is an innovative solution to the scalability problem with the Ethereum blockchain. Tomochain plans to support horizontal scaling via adding more second layer blockchains with good performance integrated with Ethereum for backup and atomic cross-chain transfer. Tomochain is envisioned to be a network of chains that supports instant confirmation, and near zero transaction fee which will be an ideal solution for decentralized apps, token issuances and token integrations for small and big businesses.

Data provided by CoinGecko API.

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