My purchase included the Greek yogurt strainer kit, two glass yogurt containers with lids, the yogurt maker and it's lid, and a recipe book.
I also purchased a spare Bear glass yogurt container with lid (just in case I broke one).
This is the Greek Yogurt made using this yogurt maker pressing the setting titled "Greek Yogurt".
No straining needed.
Greek yogurt with no mess and no fuss.
Minimal effort Greek yogurt.
This yogurt maker has already paid for itself in under two weeks (we eat a lot of yogurt).
The home made yogurt from this machine is better quality than what I'm able to buy locally.
Here's how to duplicate the yogurt I made.
The only ingredients I used:
1/2 cup of plain yogurt from the grocery store and 1 quart of half and half (fewer net carbs = keto friendly).
Sterilized the Bear glass yogurt container, the lid for the glass container, the yogurt maker lid, a silicone spatula for stirring, a thermometer (unless using a laser gun thermometer), a 1/2 cup measuring cup or else a large spoon, and a stainless steel pot that holds at least 1.5 quarts and let it all air dry; I used hypochlorous acid sanitizing spray, as it's good safe and easy, but be sure it fully dried before starting.
Put the pot on the stovetop and add: 1 quart or 946 mL or 4 cups of either milk / half and half / cream.
Turn heat under pot to medium-low, leave for 5-7 minutes, stir with silicone spatula, test the temperature; check the temperature each 2-3 minutes until temperature is over 105 °f / 40.56° c.
Once the temperature is over 105 °f / 40.56° c, remove from heart, stir for a few seconds, set timer for 15 minutes, check that the temperature is now under 100° f / 38° c (if it is still hotter than this, set another time for 15 minutes).
Once the liquid is under under 100° f / 38° c, use the silicone spatula to stir in ~ 1/2 cup or two heeping giant spoons of yogurt.
Pour liquid into the sanitized Bear glass yogurt container, place that into the Bear yogurt maker, as the yogurt maker lid, press "Greek yogurt" and "enter".
In 10 hours when timer goes off, remove the glass container, cover with the sterilized lid, and refrigerate for at least an hour; this is good for at least 4 weeks of you started with pasteurized milk / half and half / cream and you kept everything sanitary. Enjoy.
When your yogurt is running low, make another batch using ~ 1/2 cup or two heeping serving spoons worth of yogurt (so that you don't need to buy yogurt starter or buy more live yogurt from the store).
*** OTHER ***
How to Adjust Sourness:
Normal Yogurt has minimal sourness and Greek yogurt is only slightly more sour. If you prefer a more sour yogurt, just let the yogurt make run longer than 10 hours.
Bear Mesh Strainer Kit:
I tested the Bear Greek yogurt mesh strainer kit on my last batch of yogurt made using the "Greek yogurt" setting and found that it was WAY too thick for me although the whey was delicious; I'll likely use the mesh strainer for special recipes in the future.