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ClinCapture icon



Captivate eCOA/ePRO includes advanced features to seamlessly capture patient/observer data.


Alternatives to ClinCapture

  1. Glisser alternatives



    Audience Response Systems – slide sharing, live polling, digital QA, Twitter wall – are all proven to break the monotony of PowerPoint and maximise audience participation. But they must be reliable...

    {{ alternatives[0].votes }}
  2. Castor EDC alternatives

    Castor EDC


    We cannot find the page you are looking for.

    {{ alternatives[1].votes }}
  3. Forest Metrix alternatives

    Forest Metrix is a mobile forestry software app for timber cruising, forestry plans, mensuration, and forest inventory. It works on desktop and mobile devices.

    {{ alternatives[2].votes }}
  4. Formstack alternatives



    When you need forms online or that you can print, Formstack is available.

    {{ alternatives[3].votes }}
  5. Poimapper alternatives

    Millions of mobile forms completed! Poimapper tools make building mobile forms, field data collection and tracking business performance easy. Start your free trial today!

    {{ alternatives[4].votes }}
  6. Fluix alternatives

    Data Collection & Reporting.

    {{ alternatives[5].votes }}
  7. alternatives

    Online form builder. Build beautiful forms with no coding required.

    {{ alternatives[6].votes }}
  8. Akkroo alternatives

    The Akkroo API allows developers to build custom applications that can share data with Akkroo. This might be importing data into Akkroo before an event, or extracting data during or after an event.

    {{ alternatives[7].votes }}
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This page was composed by and published by It was created at 2018-04-29 04:13:26 and last edited by at 2020-03-06 07:50:04. This page has been viewed 1931 times.

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