Wallhaven icon

Wallhaven icon



Alpha Notice: Please note, that we are planning on a partial reset/cleanup at the end of the alpha phase.


Alternatives to Wallhaven

  1. InterfaceLIFT alternatives

    Free Wallpaper Downloads → · Bulk Download Service · Mac App · Official iOS 8 App · High-Resolution Photography Wallpapers for Every Screen Size → · InterfaceLIFT...

    {{ alternatives[0].votes }}
  2. WallpaperFusion alternatives

    The best multi-monitor and Eyefinity wallpaper images, all in one place! Thousands of hand-picked images, ready for your mobile device or multi-monitor computer.

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  3. Desktoppr alternatives

    We only accept high resolution widescreen wallpapers - ensuring you get only the best wallpapers around!

    {{ alternatives[2].votes }}
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Wallhaven screenshot 10

Wallhaven Videos

Youtube Video: The Best Monitor Arm For My Ultrawide Monitor? - Amazon Basic Monitor Arm Mount

This monitor stand from AmazonBasic is fully adjustable and strong enough to support my 34-inch ultrawide monitor. While not the cheapest solution this is probably the best budget solution...

Disclaimer: This video was not made by us, but we found it interesting enough to embed it here.


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About This Article

This page was composed by Alternative.me and published by Alternative.me. It was created at 2018-05-02 03:34:05 and last edited by Alternative.me at 2020-03-06 07:51:13. This page has been viewed 661 times.

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