Dropzone icon

Dropzone icon



Aptonic create awesome apps for the Mac. We make Dropzone, an app which makes it faster and easier to move and copy files, launch applications, upload to many different services, and more.


Alternatives to Dropzone

  1. Droplr alternatives



    Droplr offers one of the best solution for file sharing, screen recording and send them anywhere.

    {{ alternatives[0].votes }}
  2. Quicksilver alternatives

    Quicksilver is a fast and free productivity application for the Mac, allowing you to save time and improve your efficiency. Quicksilver is available for Lion, Snow Leopard and more.

    {{ alternatives[1].votes }}
  3. Unclutter alternatives



    Unclutter is an app that is designed to help Mac users bring order to their desktop. Among other features, this powerful piece of software provides quick access to a user's notepad and clipboard. I...

    {{ alternatives[2].votes }}
  4. Yoink alternatives



    Yoink is a website that makes it easier to drag and drop images and text from one screen to another. It's a straightforward site with help along the way if you aren't sure about dragging and how to...

    {{ alternatives[3].votes }}
  5. Papaya alternatives



    Over the internet, or even a local network, sending files to other computers can be a pain. Papaya solves this problem. Drop a file or folder onto Papaya, and you get back an address through which ...

    {{ alternatives[4].votes }}
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Dropzone screenshot 10


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About This Article

This page was composed by Alternative.me and published by Alternative.me. It was created at 2018-04-28 13:45:08 and last edited by Alternative.me at 2020-03-06 07:50:41. This page has been viewed 9355 times.

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Make notes in the application's window Access the clipboard with a single click Features Category Add images from clipboard Organizes desktop Finds images that are of interest Move multiple images at one time
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