EyeLeo icon

EyeLeo icon


Desktop Software Lifestyle
What is it? EyeLeo is a handy PC application that regularly reminds you to take short breaks for your eyes. Who is it for? Everyone who spends more than an hour per day looking at a display. Office ...workers will find the program particularly helpful. Why use it? When you work at a computer, it is easy to forget about time. This leads to eye strain and other physical problems. EyeLeo guarantees you won't forget to take a break. Features: Screen blocking long breaks every hour. Short breaks with eye exercises every 10 minutes. Eye exercises shown by an adorable Leopard. Notifications announcing a long break coming. Strict mode that does not allow to skip the breaks. Customizable intervals. Multi-monitor system support. Why is it better than others? EyeLeo was designed by a software engineer who had been using different analogues for quite a while but was not satisfied with them. I took their disadvantages into consideration and developed a well-thought-out product. Read moreless

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  • Free
  • Relatively easy-to-use UI
  • Customizable
You can always update EyeLeo to add more features!


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This page was composed by Hit the road, jack! and published by Alternative.me. It was created at 2021-04-28 09:19:33 and last edited by Hit the road, jack! at 2021-04-20 16:01:07. This page has been viewed 626 times.

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