Fontello icon

Fontello icon


喇. 奈. 懶. 癩. 羅. 蘿. 螺. 裸. 邏. 樂. 洛. 烙. 珞. 落. 酪. 駱. 亂. 卵. 欄. 爛. 蘭. 鸞. 嵐. 濫. 藍. 襤. 拉. 臘. 蠟. 廊. 朗. 浪. 狼. 郎. 來. 冷. 勞. 擄. 櫓. 爐. 盧. 老. 蘆. Oops! Nothing found... This site will not work without javascript! site will not work if cookies are completely disabled. {"page_data":{},"locale":"en-US","layout":"fontello.layout" } Read moreless

Alternatives to Fontello

  1. Font Awesome alternatives

    Font Awesome


    UNDERSTANDING FONT AWESOME So what exactly IS Font Awesome? Well, imagine this scenario. Imagine that you design websites for a living. Now, imagine that each logo you utilize requires the scrip...

    {{ alternatives[0].votes }}
  2. IcoMoon alternatives



    IcoMoon is a tool for managing, creating, and editing icon sets to be implemented as font sets.

    {{ alternatives[1].votes }}
  3. Fontastic alternatives



    Publish your icons with just one click! We host all icons on fast and reliable hosting, so they're always there and delivered in a flash. Centralize your products with our multi-fonts application.

    {{ alternatives[2].votes }}
  4. Flaticon alternatives



    1, 639, 000+ Free vector icons in SVG, PSD, PNG, EPS format or as ICON FONT. Thousands of free icons in the largest database of free vector icons!

    {{ alternatives[3].votes }}
  5. Nucleo alternatives



    Nucleo is a service and app that allows a user to browse a library of over 23, 000 icons. The product is developed by Amber Creative Lab Ltd., which is currently based on Paul Street in London, Uni...

    {{ alternatives[4].votes }}
  6. EOS icons alternatives

    EOS icons


    With over 1000 icons, available as npm, CDN, font, svg, or png. EOS icons is open source and constantly maintained by a very active community supported by SUSE linux. It contains all of Material De...

    {{ alternatives[5].votes }}
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Fontello Reviews

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Fontello Videos

Youtube Video: Kurs HTML odc. 3: Linkowanie podstron, przyjazne adresy, fontello

Wesprzyj na Patronite ▻ Wykonamy od zera kompletne portfolio Jana Kowalskiego - programisty webowego, zaś szablon inspirowany będzie kafelkowym designem...

Disclaimer: This video was not made by us, but we found it interesting enough to embed it here.


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This page was composed by and published by It was created at 2018-05-01 13:46:32 and last edited by at 2020-03-06 07:51:30. This page has been viewed 22235 times.

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