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Mobile Apps Magazines & Newspapers
Plenary is a privacy focused, simple and modern RSS reader and offline reader app for Android. App serves two main purposes: 1. Subscribe to RSS feed of your choice & get updates from those feeds a...utomatically. 2. Download the article to your local storage & read it later anywhere offline. You can follow your favorite blogs, magazines, news publications that you trust, YouTube channels of your choice & more. The app allows you to add feeds that you'd like to subscribe, organize multiple feeds as your choice & view them in a manner as you'd like. The app follows Google's new material design guidelines so you can use it as your favorite RSS feeds and article downloader app with great UX. Why should you use Plenary as your RSS feed reader & offline reader? • ? No login required • ? No Ads/Trackers Plenary is ad free & doesn't track anything you do on the app. Everything the app does, from fetching feeds to aggregating them and saving them is done on your device. All the data of feeds & downloaded articles is stored on your local storage. • ? No special permission required • ? Full offline support Feeds will be synced at your preferred interval if you are connected to the internet & you can access them anywhere offline. You can save the entire content of an article by tapping the save button to use the app as an offline news reader. Read moreless

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  • Read full text of articles
  • Offline Support and Auto Sync
  • RSS To Push
You can always update Plenary to add more features!


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This page was composed by spians and published by It was created at 2020-05-17 15:18:42 and last edited by spians at 2020-04-11 03:09:39. This page has been viewed 1248 times.

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