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Mobile Apps Travel
We are the developers of the Touristl application – an IT company ServReality, founded in 2013 and headed by CEO Constantin Kuleshov. Our office is located in Kyiv (Ukraine). The Touristl application a global international project designed to make your trip more interesting, productive and much more comfortable. - Possibility of planning an individual route to the sights of the city. - Opportunity to get acquainted with the museums expositions, catering and accommodations offers in augmented reality - Search for attractive locations on the map, regardless of location, with photos, videos and descriptions that you can listen to - System of bonuses and discounts for users - The ability to plan an excursion in advance and listen to it offline in order to not to spend extra money on mobile Internet - Ability to take photos with a virtual guide: during an excursion or just a selfie. Record the tour on video and take photos Read moreless
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  • Augmented reality
  • Guided tours
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This page was composed by Alex and published by It was created at 2020-10-02 07:10:08 and last edited by Alex at 2020-09-28 14:15:55. This page has been viewed 1392 times.

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