WinGPG icon

WinGPG icon


Desktop Software Security
WinGPG developed by Scand Ltd. is a tray-based classical Windows application and a classic GPGv2 distribution (we use the cryptography from the official site without making any modifications). It sup...ports the following operations: Encryption/Decryption (we offer automatic zipping at encryption time, so your files are ready to be transmitted via email or any instant messenger immediately) Signature/Verification Key management (create, import, export, revoke) WinGPG main operational features are: WinNT Explorer support via context menus Global shortcuts working from the active explorer window or clipboard Clipboard support for both texts and files No complicated setup, you only run a batch file WinGPG is a fully functional tool, which offers the user an opportunity to manage keys and files easily. Password protected keys, default keys, and other useful tricks are available with WinGPG. Read moreless

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  • Freeware ($0.00 / month)
You can view all available pricing models on WinGPG's pricing page.


  • Encrypted files
  • Encryption
You can always update WinGPG to add more features!


WinGPG screenshot 1
WinGPG screenshot 2
WinGPG screenshot 3
WinGPG screenshot 4
WinGPG screenshot 5


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This page was composed by Victoria Puzhevich and published by It was created at 2021-04-19 20:26:46 and last edited by Victoria Puzhevich at 2021-04-19 09:34:11. This page has been viewed 598 times.

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