Bing Wallpapers icon

Bing Wallpapers icon

Bing Wallpapers

Desktop Software Tools
The Bing Wallpaper app delivers the Bing image of the day—arguably the single best feature of Microsoft’s web search engine—to your desktop. “Bing Wallpaper includes a collection of beautiful images... from around the world that have been featured on the Bing homepage,” the website for the app explains. “Not only will you see a new image on your desktop each day, but you can also browse images and learn where they’re from.” This app also provides a gross bit of cross-promotion and asks you to set Bing as your browser homepage and default search engine on install. Which, frankly, is when this app should have first appeared. Source: Tip💡: You can get it in Android by installing Microsoft Launcher app in your phone and enabling bing wallpapers daily refresh. Read moreless
Windows Android

Alternatives to Bing Wallpapers

  1. Lively Wallpapers alternatives

    Lively Wallpapers


    Animated desktop wallpapers, bring your desktop to life with Lively Wallpapers! Lively is a FOSS Project.

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You can always update Bing Wallpapers to add more features!


Bing Wallpapers screenshot 1
Bing Wallpapers screenshot 2


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This page was composed by Shoban Chiddarth and published by It was created at 2021-01-07 09:43:12 and last edited by Shoban Chiddarth at 2020-12-15 16:45:14. This page has been viewed 706 times.

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