Coragi ImagePrint
Desktop Software
ImagePrint is a photo editing tool that gives you full control over the printing and presentation of your images. You can also easily combine multiple JPG, PNG and other image formats into a single PD...F file. Large images can be stretched to cover multiple pages. Import images, resize, rotate, crop, and adjust the colors. Print your own passport photos by arranging them using the Tiles (repeating images) functionality.
Correct and enhance image colors before printing.
Create large posters by printing pictures on multiple pages.
Convert images to PDF documents.
Create tiles (repeating images) to print passport photos and logo walls.
Resize, rotate and remove unwanted portions of the image. Read moreless
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This page was composed by ulfemsoy and published by It was created at 2021-06-09 08:19:12 and last edited by ulfemsoy at 2021-06-08 21:41:13. This page has been viewed 1077 times.
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