Google Maps
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Google Maps Reviews
We have 1 review for Google Maps. The average overall ratings is 4.0 / 5 stars.

Overall Opinion: There are few apps as helpful as Google Maps. Google Maps has become such an important resource that for many it is hard to remember a time before it. There are not many better navigation apps, and certainly none with as many helpful features as Google Maps. Google Maps tells you not only the fastest routes, but also tells you how long it will take you to drive down them and tells you when to turn onto them in real time. Google Maps opens up the entire world to anybody who downloads it. As long as you have battery and a connection, with Google Maps you will never be lost again, no matter where you find yourself ending up.
Pros: Google Maps tells you the fastest routes and how to get onto them, giving you instructions on where to turn as you go about your trip. Google Maps will tell you if there is heavy traffic or construction up ahead, so you can know what parts of town to avoid driving in. Google maps eliminates the need to use an actual map to try to chart out your course ahead of time. With Google Maps you just need to have a device on you that can support it.
Cons: Some addresses on Google Maps are incorrect and there are errors in some of the mapping, especially in more rural areas. This can lead to a lot of confusion when trying to get places. Google Maps can eat up your device's battery, so you may have to bring a car charger for longer trips if you wish to navigate with Google Maps for the entire time. If you are driving with Google Maps and have many streets coming at you as you drive, but missed your turn, it may constantly refresh itself giving you directions to streets you have already passed. This is not too much of a concern in small towns, but can affect some big cities, which may confuse people driving there.
Google Maps Videos
How to Add My Address/Place/Location/Store on Google Maps Easily (Step By Step) Part 2 गूगल मैप में अपना पता कैसे डालते हैं ? how do...
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