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KML Viewer and Converter icon

KML Viewer and Converter

Mobile Apps Utilities
KML viewer and the converter easily convert your file into KMZ, GPX, Geojson, Topojson, CSV. KML viewer and converter used on the map. Many people trouble when shown KML file in the map and it is very... troublesome. By the use of KML viewer and converter load, your KML file converts in any form like KMZ, GPX, Geojson, Topojson, CSV. KML viewer and converter easy to load your file and convert it easily. This app is free to convert and view your file. Size of KML viewer and converter is 30.5 MB it’s needed the size of KML viewer and converter. This viewer and converter compatible on IOS 12.1 or later, compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch, this application KML viewer and converter language are on English that all are compatible with this. Read moreless

Alternatives to KML Viewer and Converter

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    QGIS is a desktop geographic information system, or GIS. It allows the user to create geospatial information, such as maps. The software is developed by OSGeo, which stands for the Open Source Geos...

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  2. Google Maps alternatives

    Google Maps is an app and website by Google that provides you with maps and travel information. The app can tell you the distance between two places, how long it will take you to get there, what th...

    {{ alternatives[1].votes }}
  3. Waze alternatives



    Waze software is a community-powered mapping and navigation platform that provides commuters with real-time data, information, and road alerts. This platform is a cloud-sourced software that is con...

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  • Convert KML to KMZ
  • Convert KML to GPX
  • Convert KML to GeoJson
  • Convert KML to TopoJson
  • Convert KML to CSV
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This page was composed by and published by It was created at 2019-08-07 06:00:02 and last edited by at 2020-03-06 07:52:24. This page has been viewed 1691 times.

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