Midterm: Notes & Flashcards icon

Midterm: Notes & Flashcards icon

Midterm: Notes & Flashcards

Desktop Software Knowledge
Midterm is not only a note-taking app, it is also a study tool to help you memorize your notes better through Active Recall. Features: - Write interactive notes (with cloze deletion, image occlusion) ...- Keep track of difficult notes to review before exams, - Collaborate and study with your friends. - Organize notes with nested folders. - Study offline - and many more. Read moreless
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Alternatives to Midterm: Notes & Flashcards

  1. Anki alternatives



    Anki is a software that allows users to integrate memorizing techniques into a functional study platform with flashcards. This software allows for users to learn languages, study for exams, memoriz...

    {{ alternatives[0].votes }}
  2. Quizlet alternatives



    Quizlet allows you to review and create flashcards for a variety of subjects, such as math and reading. It's a beneficial app to have if you are studying while you're in school or if you're trying ...

    {{ alternatives[1].votes }}
  3. Brainscape alternatives



    Find, create, and study SMART FLASHCARDS on any device. DOUBLE your learning speed using the most effective study system on the planet. Keep all your content in sync across Brainscape's website and...

    {{ alternatives[2].votes }}
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  • Note sharing
  • Note organizing
  • learn with flashcards
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Midterm: Notes & Flashcards screenshot 1
Midterm: Notes & Flashcards screenshot 2
Midterm: Notes & Flashcards screenshot 3
Midterm: Notes & Flashcards screenshot 4
Midterm: Notes & Flashcards screenshot 5
Midterm: Notes & Flashcards screenshot 6


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About This Article

This page was composed by Minh Loi and published by Alternative.me. It was created at 2021-02-22 11:20:16 and last edited by Minh Loi at 2021-02-17 21:50:52. This page has been viewed 11933 times.

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