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Replacicon icon


Desktop Software Tools
Just updated to macOS Big Sur? You may have noticed some of the apps in your Dock look a bit inconsistent with the rest of the system. Replacicon makes it easy to find and replace app icons on the Ma...c. It scans online sources containing thousands of replacement app icons for each of your installed macOS apps. In just a click, you can change your app icons so they better match the rest of the system, or your own tastes. To help you quickly find legacy icons to replace on macOS Big Sur, Replacicon relies on machine-learned models to tell which icons are most in need of an update. Replacicon even watches for app updates in the background so your customized icons are not lost across app updates. All Features - Take advantage of thousands of Mac replacement icons from sources like - Import your own custom icons - Restore original icons - Search all installed apps - Use filters to focus on apps in your Dock and legacy app icons Read moreless

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This page was composed by Replacicon and published by It was created at 2020-12-14 13:24:14 and last edited by Replacicon at 2020-12-11 19:03:18. This page has been viewed 690 times.

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