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Sesterce icon


Mobile Apps Finance
Share expenses with friends, roommates, family… for a trip or for life! - SIMPLE: splitting bills has never been so simple - COLLABORATIVE: each member can join the group, add an expense and keep of all the bills on his phone or computer - ANONYMOUS: no email required - SECURED: all shared groups can be protected with a password - OFFLINE: in vacation, you don't need an Internet connection to split a check Key use cases: • Keeping track of your household budget • Split a bill / check with friends • Organize expenses during a trip (holiday, week-end…) and follow your budget • Expenses with roommates (rent, utilities, bills) • Repay friends (birthday, bachelor party, trip) • Check who should pay what to whom Read moreless
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  • Expense tracking
  • Expenses
  • Budget with family with shared accounts
You can always update Sesterce to add more features!


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Sesterce screenshot 4
Sesterce screenshot 5


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This page was composed by Johan Marie and published by It was created at 2020-06-08 12:30:02 and last edited by Johan Marie at 2020-06-08 10:36:24. This page has been viewed 928 times.

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