Speedpdf Reader
Desktop Software
Speedpdf Reader is a free e-document reading tool for Windows. In addition to PDF, it also supports a variety of e-book document formats such as XPS and EPUB.
Although this PDF reader has a simple int...erface and very little memory, it is actually very versatile. Not only can quickly open, browse and print PDF documents, but also have functions such as skin change, reading mode switching, document management, etc. The bigger highlight is that you can add comments while reading PDF documents, and all the functions of this reader can be used for free .
In general, Speedpdf Reader is a very useful software for users who need to open and read PDF files. Anyone can read the required files immediately, effectively improving office efficiency! Read moreless
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This page was composed by Spacewalk and published by Alternative.me. It was created at 2021-06-30 10:34:10 and last edited by Spacewalk at 2021-06-30 06:38:25. This page has been viewed 596 times.
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