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Timeline Software

Desktop Software Knowledge
Timeline Software is a powerful interactive time line to explore your favorite history topics. Navigate timespans as large as the Geological Time Scale and the History of the Universe. Travel from the... origin of the universe, starting billions of years ago, to the present and to the far future. Zoom in to see events during Prehistory, Ancient, Medieval and Modern History. Timeline Software also works as a microscope. Learn about Science and Technology topics while watching how ultra-fast events develop in less than a millisecond, such as a lightning strike. Timeline Software is a must have visual software for historians and everybody else. Read moreless
Windows macOS Browser

Alternatives to Timeline Software

  1. OmniOutliner alternatives



    OmniOutliner is an amazingly flexible program for creating, collecting, and organizing information for Mac, iPhone, and iPad.

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  • Print timeline
  • Organizational-chart maker
  • Desktop interface
  • Print
  • Timeline View
You can always update Timeline Software to add more features!


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Timeline Software screenshot 5


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About This Article

This page was composed by james@historytimeline.com and published by Alternative.me. It was created at 2021-05-17 11:25:31 and last edited by james@historytimeline.com at 2021-05-14 13:42:14. This page has been viewed 1151 times.

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