Batch Image Resizer
Desktop Software
Resize, crop, shrink, flip, EXIF-autorotate, resample, convert, enhance, and process multiple pictures and photos with this professional software!
- 120+ Actions and Effects: resize, contrast, waterm...ark, etc...
- Convert to/from and save results in any of 30+ formats: jpg, png, gif, tiff, bmp, j2k
- 20 scaling modes: Lanczos, Bilinear, Bicubic, Box, HqX
- Rotate and flip manually or using EXIF orientation tag
- Fit to fixed size or rectangle; fit to aspect ratio
- Perform lossless JPEG crops, flips, and rotations
- Automatic crop, crop to fixed size, crop from edges, crop to W:H ratio
- Resize canvas and add padding; change print resolution
- Change width and height independently or proportionately
- Set dimensions using pixels, percentages %, or print units
- Automatically shrink images to fit a desired file size in Kilobytes
- Conditional processing based on image orientation, size, and other attributes
- Add static and dynamic text and image watermarks with visual effects
- Layers Read moreless
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This page was composed by BinaryMark and published by It was created at 2021-11-08 10:16:07 and last edited by BinaryMark at 2021-11-03 14:23:45. This page has been viewed 791 times.
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