Clipify icon

Clipify icon


Desktop Software Tools
This free video editor is both feature-rich and easy and will become a helpful asset for both pros and newbies. Clipify will give you everything you need to create awesome movies all by yourself. Ther...e are templates for lots of occasions - weddings, kids’ birthdays, vacations, Christmas, etc. Just trim some lengthy clips if needed and add text to the title cards. - Create videos without watermark and time limitations - Get access to Music Collection with 200+ tracks - Get an extra pack of 150+ cinematic effects - Upload videos to YouTube or burn to DVD - FREE tech support & updates for 12 months Read moreless

Alternatives to Clipify

  1. Camtasia Studio alternatives

    Camtasia Studio


    Camtasia is a video editing suite, intended to be used for both editing video footage and grabbing recordings of the computer screen. This software is designed for use on both the Mac and Windows o...

    {{ alternatives[0].votes }}
  2. Movavi Video Suite alternatives

    Movavi Video Suite


    Get Movavi's video making software for all your multimedia needs. Try our video making program and start making videos today, thanks to the intuitive interface and easy controls.

    {{ alternatives[1].votes }}
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Clipify Reviews

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  • Free ($0.00 / month)
  • Standart ($29.40 / month)
  • Deluxe ($39.90 / month)
  • PRO ($59.50 / month)
You can view all available pricing models on Clipify's pricing page.


  • Free
  • Editing Speed
  • Filters
  • Music collection and microphone support
  • Effects
  • Transition Effects
  • Support & Services
  • quality control of information;
You can always update Clipify to add more features!


Clipify screenshot 1
Clipify screenshot 2
Clipify screenshot 3


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About This Article

This page was composed by ams_software and published by It was created at 2021-10-22 06:55:06 and last edited by ams_software at 2021-10-21 18:20:13. This page has been viewed 883 times.

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It can handle 4K footage.
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