FastCopy icon

FastCopy icon


Desktop Software Tools
FastCopy has an Include / Exclude feature which can be used for large file operations. In order to avoid disk thrash and to achieve maximal speed, FastCopy can automatically perform only one operation... at a time. FastCopy is open-source, permissive BSD-like software so that you can change the program. Read moreless

Alternatives to FastCopy

  1. Copywhiz alternatives



    Copywhiz enhances your file copy experience in Windows. It offers more flexibility when copying and backing up files by letting you choose which type of files to copy & which to ignore. Copy only n...

    {{ alternatives[0].votes }}
  2. SyncToy alternatives



    UNDERSTANDING WHAT IT DOES Certainly, you're familiar with the basic idea of a backup right? Most of us are. What if a special kind of backup tool existed? What if this tool backed up ONLY THOSE...

    {{ alternatives[1].votes }}
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About This Article

This page was composed by Trusha and published by It was created at 2020-05-25 09:54:35 and last edited by Trusha at 2020-05-25 04:35:00. This page has been viewed 2510 times.

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Copy new or changed files Copy certain type of files Review files before copying Collect files & paste at once Copy files without folders Schedule your file backup Retry or skip files on error Copy locked file (file-in-use) Replace files on reboot Replace files only if newer Auto-rename duplicate files Copy files to multiple folders Category [ Tools ] Syncs files only when changes are made. This results in a much quicker backup. You are never upgraded or upsold.
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