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Web Apps Business
NaVizinhança is a web-based platform that helps service takers to find help in their neighborhood and hire local services such as homecare, petcare, home renovation, cleaning, and much more. Neither s...ervice takers nor providers pay to use the platform. Users can filter the providers by service type, distance, reputation and also more advanced filters, as price estimation. The contact between service taker and provider occurs directly between the parties, using WhatsApp, mobile or email. NaVizinhança is innovative due to geocoding application to find the professionals in Brazil and also due to the social aspect of the website, that enables low income population to have more service opportunities and to differentiate their hourly prices by having better reputation/recommendation. Read moreless

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This page was composed by Cecilia Santos and published by It was created at 2020-08-20 10:11:31 and last edited by Cecilia Santos at 2020-07-31 01:01:24. This page has been viewed 656 times.

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