PhotoDiva icon

PhotoDiva icon


Desktop Software Tools
PhotoDiva is a free portrait editor with AI effects. You can get beautiful-looking portraits quickly by using one-click effects to make dramatic changes. Try a new make-up, find out what suits you. Co...rrect all skin imperfections, make a snow-white smile and see what color you dye your hair. - Realistic Virtual Makeup - Automatic Retouching - Digital Plastic Surgery - Blemish Removal Tools - 100+ Effects and Filters - Background Blurring Read moreless

Alternatives to PhotoDiva

  1. Adobe Lightroom alternatives

    Adobe is changing the world through digital experiences. We help our customers create, deliver and optimize content and applications.

    {{ alternatives[0].votes }}
  2. GIMP alternatives



    GIMP is a free photo editing suite that is an alternative to Photoshop. The program is open-source, and it has been preferred by Linux users for many years. GIMP is compatible with most Photoshop f...

    {{ alternatives[1].votes }}
  3. Picasa alternatives



    Picasa is a free image editor available for Windows and Mac computer systems. The software was developed by Google as an alternative to paid image editors. It has received no updates since 2016 and...

    {{ alternatives[2].votes }}
  4. Adobe Photoshop alternatives

    Adobe Photoshop


    Adobe Photoshop is undeniably the industry standard when it comes to graphic design and photo manipulation. The software has been on the market since 1990 after originally being created in 1988 and...

    {{ alternatives[3].votes }}
  5. Movavi Photo Editor alternatives

    Everything you need for quick and effective photo editing on Windows and Mac: enhance image quality, erase unwanted objects from photos, remove or change image backgrounds, retouch portraits, resto...

    {{ alternatives[4].votes }}
  6. Luminar alternatives



    Luminar is a photo editing suite that was originally designed for use on the Mac platform. The software is comparable to Adobe Photoshop and offers a rich set of features. The most recent edition o...

    {{ alternatives[5].votes }}
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PhotoDiva Reviews

We have 1 review for PhotoDiva. The average overall ratings is 5.0 / 5 stars.

Write a Review
Annet avatar
Good for doing quick edits, beginner friendly
written by Annet on 2021-10-22 05:24:57
Ease of Use
Customer Service
Value For Money

Overall Opinion: Good software for beginners, the interface is user-friendly and offers a variety of built-in video tutorials, the website also has a number of how-to articles. Works fine on a low-end PC and would be a good choice for when quick edits need to be done. Haven't contacted their tech support.

Pros: Simple interface, lots of tools, works good on slow pc, built-in video tutorials, free.

Cons: Having more digital makeup options would be nice.

Annet is using PhotoDiva a couple of times per year since at least a year or more.


  • Photo effects
  • Photo Editing
  • Sculpting tools
  • Retouch portrait photos automatically
  • background removal
You can always update PhotoDiva to add more features!


PhotoDiva screenshot 1
PhotoDiva screenshot 2
PhotoDiva screenshot 3
PhotoDiva screenshot 4


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About This Article

This page was composed by ams_software and published by It was created at 2020-06-14 09:09:52 and last edited by ams_software at 2020-06-11 12:24:58. This page has been viewed 3061 times.

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