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Web Apps Business
Tydy is a website that offers an employee relationship management suite. Business owners can use the platform to complete the onboarding process for new hires, offer support to existing employees, and... provide learning retention. The tools on the website are comprehensive and everything is accomplished right from the browser. Read moreless

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Tydy Reviews

We have 1 review for Tydy. The average overall ratings is 4.0 / 5 stars.

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grex avatar
My Opinion on Tydy
written by grex on 2018-03-02 04:26:14
Ease of Use
Customer Service
Value For Money

Overall Opinion: ERM tools are a must for any serious business. Maintaining a sound relationship between employees and management is what Tydy was created to do. The Tydy ERM lets employers create and automate custom onboarding campaigns. The campaigns can be delivered in a timely fashion according to a specific schedule. Best of all, once the campaigns are set there is no need for additional monitoring. The platform allows employers to share various types of media with employees. Infographics, videos, images, and documents can all be made available to the employee with this user-friendly interface. Employers no longer have to worry about assembling large packets of paperwork when they use Tydy. Like the name of the website suggests, everything is kept neat and clean and stored in the Cloud. The dashboard provides employers with a snapshot of employee data and performance. There is also an overview which presents the demographics of the entire work force. This dashboard is also useful for alerting employers when there is a potential problem. It provides early warning signals that some employees might be struggling with their responsibilities. It is also possible for employers to grant managers and human resource employees their own account. The permissions of these accounts can be customized to the needs of each individual supervisor. One of the more useful features of the website is that it offers engagement tracking. Employers can tell which hires are dropping off the grid. This enables quick actions that will bring them back into the fold. What Tydy does is enable a business to be proactive in the way it manages its valuable employees. It is also a secure platform that provides multiple layers of encryption.

Pros: All data is encrypted Runs from the browser Affordable Hosted on the largest cloud in the world with 44 Availability Zones

Cons: Smaller firms may find the feature set too complex Technically-challenged employees may require assistance to use the website

grex is using Tydy every other week recently.


  • Multiple ERM tools in one suite
  • Automate onboarding over time
You can always update Tydy to add more features!

Tydy Videos

Youtube Video: Ferrari 430 Scuderia first drive - autocar.co.uk

Chris Harris drives the Ferrari 430 Scuderia at Fiorano. The Scuderia really is the best example of F1 racing technology appearing in a road car, with gear shift speeds of just 60 milliseconds....

Disclaimer: This video was not made by us, but we found it interesting enough to embed it here.


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This page was composed by Alternative.me and published by Alternative.me. It was created at 2018-04-28 09:18:14 and last edited by Alternative.me at 2020-03-06 07:50:03. This page has been viewed 1681 times.

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