Visual Studio Code
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Visual Studio Code Reviews
We have 1 review for Visual Studio Code. The average overall ratings is 2.0 / 5 stars.

Overall Opinion: Very poor editor. One star is for good debugging support, second for SFTP plugin and maybe integrated terminal. The rest: Color theme support, Intelliscence, C/C++ plugin support is awful. Present vscode dark color theme IS NOT original Visual Studio dark theme. Even if I am customizing my theme to look like original in Visual Studio I can't do that. I can't color my custom types. While installing update, it removes my custom theme, so I have to store backup somewhere :( :[ I had hope vscode team will fix Intelliscence errors (which sometimes appears and sometimes not), but unfortunately it hasn't been done yet :[[. I recomend you everybody who looks for good C/C++ editor: Get away from that!
Pros: -
Cons: -

Visual Studio Code Videos 2016 UtahJS Conference Friday, September 16, 2016 Slides: VS Code is a new, cross platform editor from Microsoft that combines...
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