Windows Movie Maker
Windows Movie Maker is an editing program provided by Microsoft in its Windows Essentials software suite. This program allows you to edit videos and publish them wherever you would like.
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Windows Movie Maker Reviews
We have 1 review for Windows Movie Maker. The average overall ratings is 4.0 / 5 stars.

Overall Opinion: Using this software is very easy for people who don't have much experience with editing videos. Movie Maker can only complete simple editing tasks and is not designed for people wanting to create highly customized videos. The software does, however, have quite a few templates that make it great for putting together basic videos.
Pros: Very Simple to Use This program was designed to be extremely user-friendly. Compared to other video editing software that requires weeks to completely learn how to navigate, you can get your video edited and exported within an hour with Movie Maker. Free for Windows Users Windows Movie Maker comes pre-installed onto your windows computer and using the software is completely free. This adds just adds another layer of ease while creating your video project. Share your Video Windows Movie Maker has many different options to help you share your finished project. You can put the video onto a DVD or flash drive, upload directly to a supported list of social media platforms or save your video as a . MP4 file which will allow you to share your video across hundreds of platforms.
Cons: Basic Editing

Windows Movie Maker Videos
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This page was composed by and published by It was created at 2018-04-27 16:13:06 and last edited by jerm at 2021-04-06 22:03:09. This page has been viewed 10334 times.