Anstel Global
Business Software
IT and Operations
Founded in 2010, Anstel is an Australian technology company headquartered in Sydney, Australia. We also have offices in India and Fiji to support local Telecom operators and customers across the South... Pacific Island and Indian Subcontinent. In addition to that, we are working with partners across USA, Middle East and Africa to support local customers.
The company has grown organically without compromising on quality and integrity while establishing lucrative rapports has been the key to its success. Anstel has a long-standing relationship with Telcos and enterprises which includes Telstra, Singtel Optus, Vodafone, Spark-NZ, Unlimit-Reliance, and Digicel. We also help Telcos build quick and cost-effective applications by integrating multiple devices and sensors for both large enterprises and SME’s. It involves device management, real-time analytics, and integration with other cloud-based services. Read moreless
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This page was composed by Anstel Global and published by It was created at 2021-08-11 10:12:22 and last edited by Anstel Global at 2021-06-14 09:44:26. This page has been viewed 575 times.
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