Desktop Software
Data Consolidation - C-DASH offers connectors to common business data sources and tools for extracting and harmonising data from multiple channels.
Real-Time Analytics - Measure the impact of real-ti...me work on teams and business goals, stimulating continuous improvement in digital operations towards greater success.
Visualisations - Get the information and insights in an easy-to-understand format that can be exported to any other tool you use.You can leverage flexible data visualisations to compare key metrics to industry benchmarks or teams to company averages.
Team Collaboration - It’s equipped with collaboration tools that allow your teams to work together on achieving their goals and KPIs.
Performance Monitoring- Monitor the performance of teams and services and ensure they are heading in the right direction.Get insight into how your organisation can improve its process and seek measurable business outcomes.
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This page was composed by Mitch Mitchell and published by Alternative.me. It was created at 2021-09-13 07:58:45 and last edited by Mitch Mitchell at 2021-09-08 09:40:31. This page has been viewed 557 times.
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