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Business Software IT and Operations
Cassandra is a system created by Apache that allows you to manage large amounts of data all at once. The system is decentralized and there are no bottlenecks that information must pass through. Becaus...e of this, there is no single weak point in the entire system. Data collected by Cassandra is immediately replicated into multiple nodes. If there is a failure at any point by one of the nodes, the node can be immediately replaced and the problem will be fixed. Cassandra is easily scalable and has been used even by companies that have incredibly large amounts of data to deal with like the Weather Channel. Read moreless

Alternatives to Cassandra

  1. PostgreSQL alternatives



    The official site for PostgreSQL, the world's most advanced open source database.

    {{ alternatives[0].votes }}
  2. MongoDB alternatives



    MongoDB is a document-oriented database tool that allows users to store objects into documents rather than tables. Since all of the data related to a single object can be found in its own document,...

    {{ alternatives[1].votes }}
  3. elasticsearch alternatives

    Elasticsearch is a flexible, opensource search engine. It makers built it to run reliably and fast, and they tout its easy manageability. Users can download the product for free, or they can select...

    {{ alternatives[2].votes }}
  4. RethinkDB alternatives



    RethinkDB is probably the most interesting new 'on-disk + complex queries' database out there. For sure made by people who get it. Salvatore Sanfillipo, creator of Redis. At NASA, RethinkDB is radi...

    {{ alternatives[3].votes }}
  5. CouchDB alternatives



    See the introduction, technical overview for more information, or learn what’s new in 2. 3.

    {{ alternatives[4].votes }}
  6. CouchBase alternatives



    Couchbase is the NoSQL database for business-critical applications. Learn more.

    {{ alternatives[5].votes }}
  7. MySQL alternatives

    MySQL is an open source relational database system with a long list of professional features. Developers can use it to create rich, dynamic web applications that can be relied upon in production. T...

    {{ alternatives[6].votes }}
  8. Hive alternatives



    The Hive mobile app is the ideal way to control all your Hive products from one single location. Hive is a brand that develops products for home automation and remote control, and they are constan...

    {{ alternatives[7].votes }}
  9. Knack alternatives



    Knack makes it easy: simple to use, powerful features, and outstanding support.

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  10. InfluxDB alternatives

    Open Source Time Series DB Platform for Metrics & Events (Time Series Data). Creator of the TICK Stack: InfluxDB, Telegraf, Chronograf & Kapacitor. Providing real-time analytics, IoT applic...

    {{ alternatives[9].votes }}
  11. Datomic alternatives



    Datomic stores a record of immutable facts, which gives your applications strong consistency combined with horizontal read scalability, plus built-in caching. Since facts are never update-in-place ...

    {{ alternatives[10].votes }}
  12. HTTP Commander alternatives

    HTTP Commander


    Best of TOP 5 Web file manager: HTTP Commander is Most Advanced Folder Sharing Solution. Supports MS Office, WebDav, Google Doc and much more.

    {{ alternatives[11].votes }}
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Cassandra Reviews

We have 1 review for Cassandra. The average overall ratings is 4.0 / 5 stars.

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grex avatar
My Opinion on Cassandra
written by grex on 2018-03-02 04:26:13
Ease of Use
Customer Service
Value For Money

Overall Opinion: Cassandra is one of the best data management programs, and already has a well trusted reputation given to it by many large companies who use Cassandra to handle their data. Cassandra makes your job easier by dealing with your data for you and distributing it across a set of nodes. If data distribution to a node fails, your nodes will be immediately replaced. Because of this, you do not have to worry about data going bad or going missing, which gives you better peace of mind. One of the more important aspects of Cassandra's software is its durability. If your app needs to have data dealt with and protected, Cassandra will help you manage it even if your app's data centers go down. This durability is one of the biggest selling points of the software, in my opinion. Few data management apps are this durable.

Pros: Cassandra allows you to manage massive amounts of data. Some of the bigger accounts that Cassandra manages can make around a trillion information requests a day. Cassandra can handle some of the largest available data sets. Cassandra has a decentralized platform which does not send data sets through any bottlenecks that could fail and damage the data. Because of this, you do not have to worry about losing your data. Cassandra immediately replaces nodes that have failed to make proper data transfers, so you do not have to worry about your data being corrupted that way.

Cons: Cassandra usually deals with massive amounts of information. Companies that do not have data sets that are particularly large may not have as much use for the software as ones that do. Because Cassandra does not send information through any bottlenecks, the information may take longer to move. The flip side of this is the added security that it gives to your data. Cassandra allows you to be in control of your data management, which is a good thing if you know what you are doing with it, but if you do not have any experience with data management, you may find Cassandra's program to be confusing to use.

grex is using Cassandra every other week recently.

Cassandra Videos

Youtube Video: Kings Raid - I Bought Cassandra... SHE IS BROKEN! (Cassandra Review)

In today's King's Raid video we're going over Cassandra, since, well, we bought her. Doing a quick Cassandra review and looking at Cassandras skills. They seem OP to me, however I'm but a simple...

Disclaimer: This video was not made by us, but we found it interesting enough to embed it here.


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This page was composed by and published by It was created at 2018-05-01 17:33:29 and last edited by at 2020-03-06 07:49:47. This page has been viewed 8443 times.

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