CryptoCRIT is an open-source Cryptocurrency project which facilitates a Cryptocurrency wallet for making payments. The associated Cryptocurrency is called CritCoin. This system will be used in Fr. Conceicao Rodrigues Institute of Technology
Alternatives to CryptoCRIT
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CryptoCRIT Reviews
We have 1 review for CryptoCRIT. The average overall ratings is 5.0 / 5 stars.
Overall Opinion: CryptoCRIT is awesome tool, It is easy to implement and can be used by people without any prior knowledge or experience about it. It is free and completely worth it. It is much easier to use compared to other alternatives.
Pros: It's open-source It's free It's easy to implement
Cons: It's basic Lacks advanced functionalities
About This Article
This page was composed by Abhishek Chaudhary and published by It was created at 2020-11-10 07:42:25 and last edited by Abhishek Chaudhary at 2020-10-25 18:00:53. This page has been viewed 2924 times.