Business Software
Our brand tracking solution allows the user to:
Get accurate and reliable insights to measure brand performance across their target audiences
Understand how their campaigns impact brand performance ...over time
Use the insights to tailor their marketing for their audiences and improve brand performance
We use advanced data science to:
Provide access to 1000s of audiences, even the most niche, rather than the standard national level
Obtain significant data where others have a margin of error of 20% or more
Control the sample composition through over 10 demographic characteristics, instead of only age & gender
Use at least double the sample size as the others at 1,000+ respondents per wave
Our algorithm learns from every wave and your insights get even better over time. Read moreless
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This page was composed by Latana and published by It was created at 2020-05-18 13:55:47 and last edited by Latana at 2020-04-17 13:08:42. This page has been viewed 798 times.
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