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Web Apps Development
There are many development environments today. Some are overcrowded, some are missing something ... If you're a web developer and don't feel like you've found your perfect development environment, try... Lines. Lines has great support for JavaScript, PHP, CSS, HTML, an integrated browser (chromium current version) with DevTools tools, project manager and more ... Features Integrated web browser (webkit) with dev tools Custom project based commands for external tools Option to run in single window (no tabs, panels...) F1 command button shows open documents list Toggle (comment/uncomment) code with shortcut Open folder as project from context menu or main menu Run and debug Javascript and Node code in interactive Lag free! Lines won't stand in your way Find/replace text with regex support Large file loading/editing support Color schemes automatically matches UI theme Start page shows all recent projects and files Syntax highlighting for 150 languages Auto-refresh mobile simulator or browse Read moreless

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This page was composed by Creatix BiH and published by It was created at 2020-11-16 08:27:51 and last edited by Creatix BiH at 2020-11-11 14:04:57. This page has been viewed 761 times.

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