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Neural Designer

Desktop Software Business
Neural Designer is a data science and machine learning platform that helps you build, train, and deploy neural network models. The tool has been created so that innovative companies and research focus on their applications and not on mathematical algorithms or programming techniques. With Neural Designer, there is no need to write code or build block diagrams. Instead, the interface guides you through a sequence of well-defined steps. Machine Learning can be applied to different industries. Some typical solutions are: - In engineering: performance optimization, quality improvement and fault detection. - In banking and insurance: churn prevention, customer targeting and risk assessment. - In healthcare: medical diagnosis and prognosis, activity recognition, microarray analysis and drug design. Neural Designer´s strength consists in giving you the ability to make complex operations and build predictive models in an intuitive way thanks to its graphical user interface. You ca Read moreless
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  • Data and analytics system
  • Data Analysis
  • Data Analytics
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Neural Designer Videos

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This page was composed by Neural Designer and published by It was created at 2021-01-07 09:21:46 and last edited by Neural Designer at 2020-12-21 10:47:54. This page has been viewed 690 times.

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