Web Apps
novaGallery is a free PHP image gallery that works right out of the box and looks beautiful. Modern, mobile-friendly responsive design, uncomplicated management for your images and beautiful presentat...ion in the web. It's very easy to set up and does not require a database (flat file). Automatic thumbnails are generated and for fast performance novaGallery has a simple but effective caching mechanism. Images can be managed in sub-albums for optimal sorting. Thus, even a large stock of photos, can be presented nicely and clearly. To keep the photos private and show them only to selected people, the entire PHP photo gallery can be protected with a password (private mode).
The usage is really easy. Upload images via regular ways (e.g. via FTP) to the web server and novaGallery automatically creates albums & thumbnails.
The image gallery already contains a theme/template, which is best designed for focusing and presenting photos. It's easy to create an own theme. Read moreless
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This page was composed by novafacile and published by It was created at 2021-03-16 18:00:04 and last edited by novafacile at 2021-03-04 17:37:00. This page has been viewed 627 times.
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