Opa is an open source programming language for building web applications. It is free to use and comes with a compiler and JavaScript library.
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Opa Reviews
We have 1 review for Opa. The average overall ratings is 4.0 / 5 stars.

Overall Opinion: Opa is a new programming language that essentially is all-encompassing when it comes to web development. It aims to replace the use of several different languages by enabling developers to write single-tier applications while letting Opa’s engine create the client, server, and database code from within. It also makes deploying applications much easier since developers only have to copy one file to the location of the executable. Security is enhanced because of the monotheistic nature of the program. Internally, Opa thinks your application’s files, directories, etc. are in an external file system, but they aren’t. All of this is compiled from within the application. If the application’s directory is accessed, the folders and files won’t be seen, so they cannot be manipulated. Opa also has a built-in security auditor that functions and provides feedback as your application is built. Opa’s engine is written in OCaml and, for developers, that makes it necessary to learn an entirely new language develop applications and also contribute updates and improvements to Opa’s source code. Its IDE also could be more robust, so “debug-by-printf” is the preferred debugging method. Opa’s documentation is good, but still is evolving. Opa is still in a growth phase. Developers are slowly learning how to work with it despite their dependence on other languages and development technologies. It can be a great tool for rapid prototyping and deployment and production of scientific and educational tools in the meantime.
Pros: Only need one language to develop web applications Eliminates need to use separate languages for application server, UI, and database Opa libraries are compatible with JavaScript Can build cloud apps with Opa Free to use
Cons: Developers must learn the entire language since it is an all-in-one solution Some functionality is sacrificed since other languages cannot be integrated Opa must be implemented from the top-down Must learn OCaml to contribute to the open source project Documentation is evolving
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This page was composed by Alternative.me and published by Alternative.me. It was created at 2018-05-01 00:25:13 and last edited by Alternative.me at 2020-03-06 07:49:58. This page has been viewed 5127 times.