Ruby on Rails
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Ruby on Rails Reviews
We have 1 review for Ruby on Rails. The average overall ratings is 4.0 / 5 stars.

Overall Opinion: Ruby on Rails may seem a little old school to today's web development professional. Now in its 13th year, the popular framework still has much to offer. Ruby, like other frameworks, prompts developers to work in a systematic way. The name for this method according to Ruby is "convention over configuration." Perhaps the greatest advantage of a COC mentality is that different developers can come together to work on a single project. Ruby also helps to minimize the creation of code while preventing overlaps. Anyone that has used applications developed with Ruby will generally recognize them because they have a very common style of deployment. Ruby has been used by web services like GitHub and Hulu to deliver many applications. Ruby isn't technically a programming language like Python or HTML. It merely functions as a time saving framework that allows developers to work in a wide number of languages. The primary advantage of the platform is that it simplifies the management of complex web applications. Those who are employed in technical fields which require the development of APIs are likely to find that experience with Ruby on Rails is preferred. After all, huge web development projects like Kickstarter were completed with Ruby. The great thing about Ruby is that it isn't too daunting for the beginning web developer. It has even been taught in a single day to classes of novice coders. There are, unfortunately, some drawbacks to using the framework. A big issue has always been speed. Web applications built with Ruby can be slow. The framework itself can also be slow to boot, offering up a fair amount of frustration. Another problem is that reliable documentation for the framework can be hard to find.
Pros: Superior tooling Large number of libraries Encourages responsible web development Increases productivity Excellent testing features
Cons: Framework loads slow Applications can be slow Lack of reliable documentation
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