Opera Dragonfly
Opera Dragonfly is the name for the development tools offered standard with the under-appreciated Opera internet browser.
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Opera Dragonfly Reviews
We have 1 review for Opera Dragonfly. The average overall ratings is 4.0 / 5 stars.

Overall Opinion: While most of us make use of our browser everyday, few are even aware that most browsers come standard with a powerful set of development tools. These provide the user with deeper control over the inner workings of your browser, allowing you to do things like inspect the HTML and CSS code and see the speed at which sites load. A good devtool can make a web developer's life significantly easier. The Opera browser may not have the mainstream cache of Firefox, Edge, or Safari, but it's a workhorse of a browser that can keep admirable pace with the big guys. Dragonfly, the native development tools for Opera, are equally as functional, attractive, and able to get the job done. The DOM (Document Object Model) inspector is a critical tool in the kit of modern developers and the heart of most devkits. It's from here that users can examine the flowchart of the site being inspected and get up close and personal with the higher order elements of their website. The design is stripped down, providing developers with easy access to all of the components of the site. Any developer with a firm understanding of the languages can jump in and start making edits to the code immediately, and Dragonfly even offers the option to debug and edit SVG graphics on the fly. Additionally, the DOM allows users to debug JavaScript. Opera is stronger than a lot of the competition in this regard. Of particular note is the fact that the JavaScript debugger operates as a transparent overlay, so you can continue to reference the code underneath while you work on debugging. An easily accessible errors tab is great for making a to do list of debugging, and it registers problems arising from bad code in all of the most important web development languages. Moving from the development end of things to oversight, Dragonfly gives you the tools you need to track the metrics of your website's traffic. Digging deeper unveils a range of other features useful to both developers and designers. Networks and resources allows you to track all downloads from your site and see their request and response times, a valuable bit of information to have when you're looking to optimize the performance of your website. You can even open the files in their own tab to take a closer look. The utilities available in Dragonfly really help it stand out from the dev tools on competing browsers, as they offer an extra layer of versatility for designers that you don't often find in this type of software. These include a color picker and palette tool for helping you with layouts as well as a zoom tool. Dragonfly also offers remote debugging, so developers can make sure everything runs smoothly regardless of the device being used by their visitors.
Pros: Nice streamlined interface covers all the bases devtools need Additional components ideal for web designers Sleek and intuitive design to the UI
Cons: The platform on which it's based, Opera, isn't as commonly used as other browsers In pursuit of a simplified look, they stripped out some of the deeper functions available in alpha

Opera Dragonfly Videos
Patrick H. Lauke, Web Evangelist and Opera Dragonfly product manager, (re)introduces developers to the Opera Mobile emulator and the remote debugging functionality of Opera Dragonfly. See http://ww...
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This page was composed by Alternative.me and published by Alternative.me. It was created at 2018-04-29 22:05:39 and last edited by Alternative.me at 2020-03-06 07:49:59. This page has been viewed 5213 times.