OptiMonk is a website tool designed to help keep customers from leaving the site.
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OptiMonk Reviews
We have 1 review for OptiMonk. The average overall ratings is 4.0 / 5 stars.
Overall Opinion: There are many businesses that depend heavily on website traffic, so administrators try to do everything possible to keep customers from navigating elsewhere. OptiMonk provides a suite of tools to keep users engaged. In fact, the software claims that recovery of up to 15 percent of users is possible through their methods. They also claim to have recovered over 1.2 billion people who would have abandoned a website. The software includes tools to track user behavior, detect existing visitors and then display an on-screen, targeted, pop-up offer to keep that user hooked. According to OptiMonk's website, up to 25% of retargeted visitors will respond to that message and become a customer. Advanced features of the software include the ability to test different methods on the fly, adjust the timing of the pop-up messages, view real-time analytics from site visitors and customize the targeting options to fit the needs of an ideal customer. OptiMonk has built-in integration with WordPress, Drupal, PrestaShop, Shopify/Shopify Plus, Big Commerce, Magento, Volusion and Joomla!. The software's main end goals are to increase leads, generate revenue and boost client results for agencies. OptiMonk uses Amazon Web Services, BrainTree and Amazon Cloudfront as part of its technology. As a result, OptiMonk says its service will not slow down any website it is deployed on.
Pros: Free 14-day trial available with no credit card required Cheapest pricing plan starts at $29 per month Pay-as-you-go service with no long term contract
Cons: Companies with more than one domain or more than 5,000 visitors per month will find themselves paying significantly more money to keep the service Responsiveness may vary greatly depending on the nature of the client website
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This page was composed by Alternative.me and published by Alternative.me. It was created at 2018-04-29 18:36:27 and last edited by Alternative.me at 2020-03-06 07:49:58. This page has been viewed 4001 times.