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ProReports  icon


Business Software Analytics
ProReports is simple reporting system designed to generate reports in popular office formats - PDF, XLS, RTF, HTML, TXT, XML, CSV, PNG, GIF. These reports are generated based on the definition in the ...internal database system. ProReports supports jrxml (JasperReport) format. This type of report templates can be prepared in external editor, such as iReport. Also user can prepare report in internal format of ProReports (simple Visual Programming Language mixed with PHP5 and JAVA). This give him very high flexibility because in this format there are almost no limits and this is the true power of this simple system. To the system we can attach own plug-ins written in PHP5 or JAVA. System is rather framework for programming reports (and not only - is a good tool for building REST API microservices) than drag&drop tool. Read moreless
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ProReports  screenshot 4


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This page was composed by Grzegorz Makowski and published by It was created at 2020-07-20 07:56:33 and last edited by Grzegorz Makowski at 2020-07-13 09:08:07. This page has been viewed 696 times.

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