Business Software
IT and Operations
QuestionScout is an all-in-one online form builder tool that enables you to create beautiful, responsive forms that your customers will love. Collaborate in real-time with your clients and your team a...nd make creating forms and surveys a team effort, resulting in better data and more efficient decision making.
- Multiple form types, including conversational surveys
- Real-time collaboration features inside the form builder
- Over 20 question types to have all your questions answered
- An advanced theme editor tool with 550+ individual options
- Advanced logic for fields, notification emails, thank you pages, and more
- Form personalization features such as Refer To
- Results AI analysis
- Payments forms
- Custom domains and SMTP
- And much, much more! Read moreless
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This page was composed by MaciejQS and published by It was created at 2021-09-23 09:28:58 and last edited by MaciejQS at 2021-09-13 13:00:16. This page has been viewed 532 times.
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