Business Software
Human Resources
Rotaville is a new workforce and employee scheduling software system for rota management or roster management. With a powerful yet easy to use calendar-based interface, rota managers can easily see al...l their shift information - including who is working and when. Assign employees to new shifts with a single click.
Rotaville is popular with many businesses in various industries, including retail, hospitality, manufacturing, health care, and security. Essentially Rotaville can help any business with shift workers.
Shift workers can use our mobile apps for iOS and Android to get the latest information on their shifts. Managers can make changes to the schedule/rota/roster on the go.
Business owners can trial Rotaville today. Get in touch with support if you need any help or have any questions.
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This page was composed by staff-rota and published by It was created at 2021-08-24 13:03:28 and last edited by staff-rota at 2021-08-22 02:39:50. This page has been viewed 1033 times.
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