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Shaip Recording App

Business Software IT and Operations
Shaip is a leader and innovator in the structured AI Data solutions category. Our strength is in the ability to bridge the gap between industries with AI initiatives and the high-quality data they req...uire. The ultimate benefit we provide to our clients is the vast amounts of structured data to train their AI models with superior accuracy and the desired outcomes. And it’s all done right the first time to adhere to the most demanding project's specifications. We have the people, processes and human in-the-loop platform to meet these challenging AI projects and we do it withinShaip is a leader and innovator in the structured AI Data solutions category. Our strength is in the a the set timeframes and budgets. This not only enhances an organization’s ability to get ahead in launching their AI products that work as designed, but they can reach their target markets whether they are local, regional, or worldwide. This is the Shaip difference, where better AI data means better results for you. Read moreless
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Shaip Recording App screenshot 3
Shaip Recording App screenshot 4


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This page was composed by Shaip AI and published by It was created at 2021-08-09 08:35:27 and last edited by Shaip AI at 2021-08-03 07:40:03. This page has been viewed 586 times.

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