Business Software
IT and Operations
Shogo provides point-of-sale and e-commerce accounting automation solutions for food service and retail businesses (both online and in-store). Business owners, bookkeepers, and accountants can save time and money while automating their accounting processing and reconciling their sales data. Shogo's users can seamlessly integrate data from their POS or e-commerce solutions to their accounting systems securely through the cloud. Shogo offers business automation software that is easy to integrate into existing systems, easy to configure, and offers powerful analytical capabilities. For more information about Shogo, feel free to contact us today. Read moreless
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This page was composed by Shogo and published by It was created at 2021-11-18 12:34:07 and last edited by Shogo at 2021-11-12 03:03:08. This page has been viewed 491 times.
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