Business Software
Human Resources
Snaphunt equips employers with cutting-edge technology on an user-friendly interface, provides them with automations & expertise at every step of the hiring process - from defining the ideal candidate..., to candidate sourcing, screening, interviewing, and finally, hiring the right talent.
Built from decades of specialist recruitment experience, on Snaphunt employers can benefit from powerful tools that simplify and accelerate their hiring while provide all applicants with an exceptional candidate experience. Features include custom job description generator, proprietary matching algorithms that target and continuously source relevant candidates, one-way video interviews, suggested interview questions, interview scheduling, automated feedback collection, AI reference checking, hiring collaboration tools, applicant tracking till hire and more.
Everything you need to hire the right talent, in a snap!
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This page was composed by Snaphunt and published by It was created at 2020-09-18 14:04:30 and last edited by Snaphunt at 2020-09-16 10:33:39. This page has been viewed 769 times.
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