Business Software
Human Resources
TARGControl is a cloud-based time tracking and staff management software. System allows managers to monitor all ongoing processes, manage team, communicate with colleagues, all in one app.
You can
• ...Use tablets and smartphones as a time-clock terminal;
• Build working schedules automatically;
• View stats and generate different kinds of reports in a few clicks;
• Comfirm employees’ vacations, days-off, sick days and other events immediately;
• Track relevance of employees’ documents medical certifications;
• Generate timesheets and payroll documents automatically;
and many other things in our web and mobile apps.
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This page was composed by Liza and published by Alternative.me. It was created at 2021-06-30 10:48:45 and last edited by Liza at 2021-06-17 12:44:50. This page has been viewed 582 times.
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