textPlus lets you send and receive text messages without the need for a data plan.
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textPlus Reviews
We have 1 review for textPlus. The average overall ratings is 4.0 / 5 stars.

Overall Opinion: The ability to send SMS messages over our phones has radically changed how we communicate with our friends and families, but spotty data networks and limited data plans mean that staying in contact via texts can become an expensive affair. For power texters who are looking to shave a little more money off their budget, textPlus offers a free, ad sponsored alternative to traditional data-based SMS messaging. textPlus relies on existing WiFi networks to send and receive texts, providing anyone who can connect their device to the internet the opportunity to text even if they don't have a data plan. It's also a great choice for tablet users whose devices don't come with a native texting service. While the reliance on the internet means that textPlus' services can be spottier than those employed in a traditional data network, the increasing prevalence of free WiFi throughout the world makes it a prospect with developing promise. textPlus is compatible with both Android and iOS devices, and it doesn't require you to have an existing number to make use of its services. As soon as you download and open the app, you're presented with the option to choose your phone number. All Canadian and US area codes are supported, and you aren't required to choose one that aligns with your region. New numbers are free and can be changed at any time. Even users who already have a number they use for texting can make use of it as a second line for business or as a burner line for personal use. Users can send unlimited text and picture messages to any number in the United States or Canada free of charge. textPlus supports group messages as well as individual messages. The speed of service is admirable here. As long as you're on a working WiFi network, your recipient should receive your message almost immediately. Voice functionality is also supported by textPlus, and it's not limited to just the United States and Canada. You use the same number for voice services that you use for texts, and incoming calls are always free of charge. Outbound calls are charged but are available at prices as low as two cents a minute. textPlus also offers free and unlimited voicemail services to help you more effectively keep in touch with the people you love. textPlus' interface is as clean and simple as you might expect from a utilitarian text application. A left pane provides you with all of your contacts and allows you to split them up into categories or favorites, while the right pane displays your conversation with the selected users. There's not a lot of flash to the presentation, but that's a boon with an app with a specific and uncomplicated purpose like this. Ads are displayed beneath the two panels, but they can be removed for a cheap yearly fee.
Pros: A completely free alternative to traditional text messaging Simple and streamlined interface Ads are fair and unobtrusive to the experience
Cons: Requires an active WiFi network to function Importing contact lists has to be handled manually Offers fewer features than some of its competitors

textPlus Videos
Android: play.google.com Apple: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/textplus-free-texting-+-group/id314487667?mt=8.
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This page was composed by Alternative.me and published by Alternative.me. It was created at 2018-04-30 04:40:32 and last edited by Alternative.me at 2020-03-06 07:50:36. This page has been viewed 66187 times.