Ticket Tailor
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Ticket Tailor Reviews
We have 1 review for Ticket Tailor. The average overall ratings is 4.0 / 5 stars.

Overall Opinion: Ticket Tailor is a huge breath of fresh air for venue owners everywhere who want to be able to easily post tickets or create tickets for their shows without the hassle of going through major companies that charge you over and over. Ticket Tailor does not require any booking fees to be paid to them, and in fact allows you to set your own booking fees that you can collect on as they get paid. Facebook integration is not a feature that you would expect to be a big selling point of a ticket creating program, but it makes it run that much more smoothly. Probably the most important aspect of Ticket Tailor is simply the ability to customize tickets, physical or digital, to include whatever information you see fit. This allows for greater freedom when creating them and can easily give you a beautiful end product.
Pros: Not only does Ticket Tailor not charge you any booking fees when creating and selling your tickets, it allows you to set a booking fee that you can collect on as people buy your tickets. Facebook integration allows for you to receive notifications when significant events occur with your account on Ticket Tailor. You can easily use Ticket Tailor to create and sell digital tickets through email or text that you can customize with whatever information that you see fit to be included on them.
Cons: Ticket Tailor does not do anything to increase your tiket sales. It does nothing in the way of promotion and does not increase awareness of your venue to the general public, it only allows you to create and sell the tickets themselves. Ticket Tailor does not have a very good record keeping system where you can view the data related to your account or any significant analysis of it. If you do not do much in the way of promotion for an event on your own beforehand, you could very well get and use Ticket Tailor for nothing as it is possible for nobody to see the tickets that you are trying to sell.
Ticket Tailor Videos
How to sell tickets online with Ticket Tailor - commission-free ticketing.
About This Article
This page was composed by Alternative.me and published by Alternative.me. It was created at 2018-04-30 17:14:13 and last edited by Alternative.me at 2020-03-06 07:49:52. This page has been viewed 5431 times.